About Carina Crolla Photography
Carina Crolla
Photography With Love
Hello I’m Carina the proud owner of Carina Crolla Photography.
That’s me in the photo above, yes a busman’s holiday photographing myself 🙂 🙂
I’m also a single mum with 3 wonderful children. (When they’re well behaved) So I spend most of my time juggling my time 🙂
you mummy’s out there will know what I mean.
My studio is in Greater Manchester and I’ve been a Photographer for over 10 years now. I’m not in the center of Manchester but I welcome mums, dads and families from across the area.
I’ve got a passion for photography but I’m also into scary movies and playing practical jokes on my family. And there’s nothing better than lounging in PJ’s all day bingeing on Netflix.
I’m very lucky because I get to do what I love for a living. Few people can say that so I have to remind myself on tough days when everything is going sideways.
On the professional side I’ve won some national awards for my creative photography. I like to think I’m good at what I do, but only you and my clients can be the judge of that.
In the past I’ve worked as a portrait, fashion, and model photographer. In the last number of years I’ve found my groove with new born photo shoots and children’s portraiture.
I love working with new customers and many past customers have become good friends.
if you have any questions about my service please get in touch and we can have a natter.

My Awards
I have been earned dozens of awards with the two leading photography societies in the country (The guild and the SWPP) and I was thrilled to come 2nd Place at the annual 20x16 print competition at the SWPP awards ceremony in 2018 and received merits for another two images, I was also awarded image of the year 2 finalist in 2018 with the Guild of Photographers.

Family Investment
Photographs and wall art will never be thrown away, donated to a charity, or lose value, they are an investment not a purchase. I explain to families how valuable portraits of your little ones are. Pause a moment in your babies, child's or families life with beautiful professional photographs.

My Mission
I find photographing babies and children really rewarding, I mean, who can resist chubby cheeks, tiny toes, bags of character and smiles that melt your heart. It is my mission to create beautiful images which can be shown off on display to friends and family with one of my many different stunning pieces of wall art I offer. Something that can be admired and cherished for years to come.